Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Figuring out the internets (or, I thought I was smart, but I'm not)

Hooray for my first post! Booo, hiss to my complete ineptitude at figuring all this shiz out. How do I make this blog prettier for one? It looks like first rate crapola right now. Am I going to have to bribe one of my design/developer colleagues? Deep down I know this should be one of those so called "learning experiences," which sound very cool and eye-opening, but actually suck. Especially if you're like me, and you only like to do things you're good at.

So I give this whole blogging endeavor about 3 weeks. I'm going to try really hard to be entertaining and witty and full of energy for longer, but I'm not making any promises. Until then, I'll be reporting on the joys of living in Mt. Pleasant, selling drugs for a living (as a copywriter, come on), being a newlywed and getting ready to move abroad. I'm also a huge dork, so maybe you'll get some weekly book and movie reviews on here. And the occasional story about me doing something insanely ridiculous and embarrassing.

That's all for now - enjoy the show folks.